
The Heel Height Knee Square™ will soon be available commercially.

HHEEL Height Knee Square, LLC

Essex Junction, VT 05452

Thank you for your business and interest in our product. 



Kevin Cummings, DPT


"Heel, heel! Good dog."

Disclaimer and conditions of sale and limitations:

HHEEL Height Knee Square, LLC warrants this product as suitable for the ordinary purposes for which such instruments are used.  The product conforms the details described by the company.  Measurements can be quantified if this ruler product is used appropriately by a health care professional.  Improper utilization of the Heel Height Knee Square™ may result in unintended consequences; such results and applications are ungovernable by HHEEL Height Knee Square, LLC or the seller.  All risks shall be assumed by the user and/or the buyer.